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Ko e ha ʻa e sivi ʻo e tuʻu laveangofua mo hono siviʻi ʻo e kemikale (VAPT)?

First, a Vulnerability Assessment (VA) scans, identifies, and reports known weaknesses. It provides a report with the classification and priority of those discovered vulnerabilities. A Penetration Test (PA), on the other hand, aims to exploit vulnerabilities to determine the level of entry. It evaluates the degree of defense.

A VA is like walking up to a door, classifying it, and analyzing its possible weaknesses. A PT is like bringing chisels, lockpicks, or screwdrivers to work on those weaknesses. VA is usually automated, while a PT is performed by a security professional.

Here is our list of the best VAPT tools:

  1. Invicti Security Scanner – FILI ʻa e ʻETITA A robust vulnerability scanner and management solution tailored for enterprises. It can find and exploit weaknesses such as SQL injection and XSS. Download ko ha fakaʻaliʻali taʻetotongi.
  2. Acunetix Scanner – MAʻU ʻA E FAKAʻALIʻALI A web app vulnerability scanner designed for SMBs, but can also scale for larger enterprises. It can identify SQL injection, XSS, or more. Get a fakaʻaliʻali taʻetotongi.
  3. CrowdStrike Siviʻi ʻo e Kemikalé – ʻAHIʻAHI TAʻETOTONGI A consultancy service that performs white hat hacker attacks on your IT system from within your network and from external locations. Access Falcon Prevent on a 15-day free trial.
  4. Intruder An automated online web vulnerability assessment tool, that identifies a wide range of threats.
  5. Fakaamatala (Metasploit) A robust framework with pre-packaged exploits code. It is supported by the Metasploit project with information on a massive number of vulnerabilities and their exploits.
  6. Lōnosí An open-source online vulnerability and configuration scanner for IT infrastructure.
  7. Burp lahi Pro A powerful bundle of tools for web app security, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing.
  8. Aircrack -ng A set of wireless network security assessment tools, to monitor, scan, crack passwords, and attack.
  9. SQLMap An open-source penetration tool that specializes in exploiting SQL injection flaws.
  10. U3af A web application, attack, and audit framework. It identifies more than 200 web app vulnerabilities.
  11. Nikto A powerful vulnerability scanner for web apps, servers, and content management systems.
  12. Fakamatala ki he Moʻui Tāú Other tools that can help in the VAPT process: Nexpose, OpenVAS, Nmap, Wireshark, BeEF, and John the Ripper.

What is a VAPT Tool?

A VAPT tool performs a VA to identify vulnerabilities and a PT to leverage from those vulnerabilities to gain access. For example, a VA might help identify weak cryptography, but the PA will attempt to decode it.

The VAPT tools scan and identify vulnerabilities, generate a PA report, and in some cases execute code, or payloads. VAPT tools help achieve compliance like PCI-DSS, GDPR, and ISO27001.

The Best Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Tools

Ko ʻetau founga ki hono fili ha sivi laveangofua mo e meʻangaue ki hono siviʻi ʻo e kemikale

We reviewed the market for VAPT systems and analyzed options based on the following criteria:

  • Tuʻu laveangofua ʻi he fie maʻu
  • Hokohoko atu hono siviʻi ʻo e scan
  • Ko e malava ko ia ke liliu ʻa e ngaahi fakangatangata ki he sivi mo seivi ʻa e ngaahi ola
  • ʻOhofi ʻo e ʻuhila ʻoku fehokotaki mo e ngaahi meʻangaue fekumi
  • Fakatokanga ki hono fakatokanga ʻo ha vaivaiʻanga fakamaluʻi
  • Ko ha ʻahiʻahi taʻetotongi pe ko ha fakaʻaliʻali ʻoku ne ʻai ke lava ʻo fakafuofuaʻi e polokalama kimuʻa pea toki fakatau
  • Mahuʻinga ʻo e paʻanga mei ha kofukofu ʻoku hoko ko ha scanner laveangofua mo ha meʻangaue ki hono siviʻi ʻo e kemikale

With these selection criteria in mind, we identified some interesting VAPT systems – some of the tools on the list are more for automated scanning, while others are suitable for manual penetration testing.

Source : PCWORLD

ʻOku tau ʻi hackers temokalati foaki Best Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Service.

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