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Wat is ethisch hacken?

What exactly is “Ethisch hacken“?

According to Synopsys,

Ethical hacking involves an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers. This practice helps to identify security vulnerabilities which can then be resolved before a malicious attacker has the opportunity to exploit them.

Lets understand the term Ethical and Hacking in detail.

Ethical is related to Ethics, Moralities. Its the fine line between the Good and the Evil, the Right and the Wrong.

Hacking is simply to bypass the security of any system.

Therefore, Ethical Hacking is simply Hacking anything Ethically, without actually damaging the infrastructure.

Democratie van hackers offers Beste ethische hacktraining by the Best Ethical Hackers & Trainers. Join today as a Hobbyist or for a full fledge career by contacting us.

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